Why is water treatment important guide, Remove unwanted contaminants with filters, Softened for better health, Desalination

Why Is Water Treatment Important?

post updated 10 February 2024

Clean water is a necessity for every human and with the help of water purification systems you can ensure that the water that you use is safe, clean, and free from disease-carrying organisms.

Why is water treatment important?

21 March 2021

Although getting access to clean drinking water is a basic human right, in some regions of the world, it is a challenge. This makes the use of water treatment important. To teach more people about the importance of water treatment, waterfilterguru.com published this guide.

Meanwhile, listed below are some reasons why water treatment is important:

Remove Unwanted Contaminants

The reason for treating water in the first place is to remove traces of bacteria, viruses, dirt, chemicals, and biological compounds from water and make it safe for drinking and carrying out other activities. It can be almost impossible to remove the traces of these contaminants from the water completely. However, most standard water treatment systems are designed to remove up to 99.9% of these substances. This way water does not contain more than the acceptable amount of these substances.

You must utilize pure filtered or softened water for better health. In many areas the municipality water provided is hard water, which causes many issues such as it leaves stain on utensils, damage your skin and hairs. Hard Water contains an excessive amount of calcium and magnesium. Water can be softened by using a water softener or descaler. Different brands provide the best water softener that you can choose according to your need and budget. You can use these water softeners to soften the hard water.

It Gives You An Added Sense Of Security

Although in some industrialized countries, municipal water undergoes a standard treatment process. However, this process is not infallible. There is still a chance that the residues from certain chemicals find their way into the tap water and it contaminates it again. This can happen during extreme weather conditions and natural disasters. Because of this, it is normal to want that added sense of security by opting for a household water purification system. This system helps you purify municipal water even after it has undergone general treatment and makes it safe to drink.

Protect Your Health

Another important reason to take water treatment seriously is to protect your health. Drinking water that contains pollutants such as bacteria and viruses can result in serious health problems. Some of the diseases caused by unclean or untreated water are Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Dysentery, Cholera, Leptospirosis, Legionnaire’s Disease, and Giardiasis. Hepatitis A causes nausea, vomiting and can result in acute liver failure. Typhoids cause fever, rashes, and abdominal pain. Dysentery causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever. Cholera causes severe diarrhea, fever, and vomiting.

The symptoms of Leptospirosis include fever, body pains, and rash. Legionnaire’s Disease causes muscle pains, shortness of breath, coughing, and fever. It is a kind of atypical pneumonia. Giardiasis causes weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea.

If you live in an area where these diseases are a risk, you can purify your water using the reverse osmosis method. Here, a membrane is used to separate water at different concentrations. These pores on the membrane are small enough to prevent viruses and bacteria from passing through. Reverse osmosis water purification is also helpful when it comes to removing chemical contaminants like lead, chloride, and sodium from the water.

To Protect the Environment

One of the reasons most people do not drink their tap water but instead go for bottled water is because of the lack of standard water treatment. There is a certain level of purification water has to go through to make it safe to drink. The only way you can truly be certain that your water reaches that level of purity is through the use of a water filtration system.

Plastics used in packaging bottled water generally contribute to pollution. It takes about 500 years before plastic decomposes. As such, it is best to minimize its use. One way to do this is through the use of water filters and other treatment methods. When people know that their tap water is safe for drinking, they have no reason to buy bottled water.

Apart from being environmentally-friendly, drinking tap water is also relatively cheaper than bottled water. Water treatment also protects the environment by balancing the water cycle. That is, maintaining the level of groundwater and surface water.

Improve The Taste And Odor Of Your Tap Water

Drinking clean and fresh water can have a huge impact on your life and health. However, there is the problem of tap water having a distinct taste and this is because of the use of chlorine as a disinfectant. The foul odor that is given off by tap water sometimes comes from hydrogen sulfide.

Most water treatment systems are designed to not only rid your water of contaminants, but also help to improve the appearance, taste, and smell of your water and therefore, make it satisfying.


Desalination is a method of water purification that is aimed at converting saline water into potable water. Since saline water is of no important use and is available in abundance on earth, desalination can help solve the issue of water scarcity in the world.

Lastly, another major importance of water treatment is that it helps fulfill the ever-increasing demand for clean and potable water. Treated water is used for drinking, agriculture, irrigation, household use, industrial purpose, and many more.

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