Benefits of employing a Professional for Fine Art Shipping guide, Painting transportation advice

Benefits of Employing a Professional For Fine Art Shipping

1 February 2022

A lot of attention is thrown into the creative arts for good reason. From every brush stroke on the canvas to the chiseling and smoothing of a marble masterpiece, the beauty of an artwork is carefully added inch by inch. Everything from creating a masterpiece, to having art lovers appreciate it in various forms is the heart of the art world.

One of the biggest challenges art creators and lovers have is transportation. If the logistics of a piece is not properly done, your work might get damaged or worse, lost. Whether you are an artist who needs to transport his work or an art enthusiast that wishes to have this art for yourself, the logistics should be handled by professionals. One company that excels as excellent logistic services professional is Convelio. Before learning about Convelio, Why You Should Hire Professionals For Art Shipping.

Benefits of employing a Professional for Fine Art Shipping

Why You Should Hire Professionals For Art Shipping

One of the biggest mistakes a young art enthusiast makes is handling delicate art pieces without being cautious of damaging them. Teams of logistics management who are professional in the act of packaging, shipping, and delivering artworks have greater knowledge on how to handle these artifacts.

Another reason to hire a professional team for your art shipping is the logistical issues that may arise from doing it yourself. Dealing with customs and having to go through checks at the ports will be handled by the company you hired instead of you.

Consider Convelio

Convelio is an end-to-end logistical management company that handles the shipping of artworks, antique pieces, sculptures, unique pieces of furniture, and many more. With offices in over 80 countries all over the world, Convelio is a global reaching company that arranges the shipment of artworks from one region to another all over the world. Their shipping management team is trusted to help deliver artworks to galleries and to collect them. They also boast of modern facilities to safeguard the shipping of these artworks.

paint brush Fine Art

Convelio’s Services

Convelio, logistics services professionnal offers a wide range of services. These services are all intended to ensure that from collection to final destination, no issues will arise concerning your masterpiece. These services include:


This refers to the collection of art pieces from the workshop, galleries, or warehouses. During collection, proper documentation and details of the art piece are taken to prepare the safest means of packaging for it. There are two types of collections which are single point and multiple point collection.


You can choose between their different types of packaging options to ensure that the artwork is shipped by the safest means possible.

Shipping Route

Whether you select shipment by land, air, or sea, they are ready to deliver your artwork to its final destination while clearing all custom duties and documentation.

Delivery and Insurance

Just like collection, the delivery can be done at multiple points following your instructions. It can also be delivered to you at your doorstep or be delivered to a pick-up location very close to you. All artworks while in the care of Convelio are insured, so you have nothing to fear.

Benefits of employing a Professional for Fine Art Shipping Conclusion

It is always better to hire logistics service professionals dedicated to shipping artifacts from one point of origin to another. To ensure safe and smooth shipping for your artwork, look no further than Convelio.

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