5 DIY ideas to maximize garage storage spaces guide, Building Design Tips, Online Advice

5 DIY Ideas to Maximize Your Garage Storage Spaces

28 Aug 2021

Apart from housing cars, the garage is one of the vital parts of a home. Although most people don’t give much credit to their garages, they’re very important for storing seasonal items, tools such as fishing gear, etc. The tools you can store in your garage depending on the activities you participate in.

The garage is a convenient space for storing items because you can stash stuff there without worrying about making guests uncomfortable. However, if you’re not careful, your garage can be very messy with only the car space left.

5 DIY ideas to maximize garage storage spaces

If you’re looking for tips to keep your garage organized, these 5 DIY garage remodeling ideas will help maximize the garage storage:

1.     Declutter the garage space

Before you start remodeling or reorganizing your garage, it’s necessary to get rid of the items that you don’t need or use. For instance, if your kid is grown and doesn’t need that tiny bike anymore, you can donate it.  Maybe you’ve got an old lawn mower that you don’t use anymore; you can dispose of it at a small fee or give it to a neighbor who needs it.

Not that your garbage service company might not accept taking the large items you’re disposing of. Plan to use a private garbage service.

2.     Consider a folding workbench.

Do you and your family use the garage as a workshop or for crafting? If so, you can consider having a folding workbench. It saves so much space. Go for the wall-mounted bench, and you can fold it after use. Someone might think you never used a bench after. A folding workbench is easy to install and creates a permanent working space without taking up garage space.

You can choose one of the two available approaches. There is a bench with legs.

These legs make contact with the floor and hold the workbench up. You can also opt for a workbench that suspends the workbench with folding slats. Whichever the case, ensure that you take exact measurements of the bench you intend to build in length and width. Also, ensure you know how high from the floor it’ll be.

You can take advantage of the wall above and behind the folding workbench and install magnetic hangers, pegboard, or a wall-mounted storage tool to create more space.

3.     Take advantage of the overhead storage area.

If there is no other space on your walls and you still have more space, you can always look up. You can use overhead storage racks to store occasional-use, bulky tools that are not too heavy such as sports equipment or camping gear.

Your garage ceiling might be a great space to keep the holiday decorations that you don’t use frequently. You can lift the large storage bins from the floor to the ceiling. A ceiling storage system is easy to build. You can build an overhead rack that holds plastic totes.

4.     Invest in magnetic boards for tiny parts

People who are frequently losing bolts and nuts will find a magnetic board very useful. You only need to magnetize small metal and steel parts to the magnetic board, especially when performing a task. This is also a perfect way to store tiny things in a garage and keeping them organized.

5.     Build garage storage cabinets

If your garage doesn’t have any storage cabinets and you store things in boxes and keep them on the floor, it’s time to add garage cabinets. They’re a must-have for anyone who wants to keep an organized garage.

Most of the time, your garage is the storage area for all your tools, and storage cabinets will be worth all the money and time. There are easy storage systems that you can modify to suit any garage. Consider an 8-foot tall cabinet with like 4-5 shelves. You can use materials like melamine. It comes at a reasonable price and doesn’t require a finish.

You should plan your configuration well using masking tape on the floors and walls and ensure that every cabinet has studs for secure fastening.

5 DIY ideas to maximize garage storage – Final word

An organized home with a well-organized garage is an awesome place to spend time and work from. Remodeling and organizing a garage is easy. However, it doesn’t hurt to consult a specialist if you’re struggling.

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