Inner Labyrinth, Castellón Architecture, Architect, Spanish Intervention, Patricia Meneses Design

Inner Labyrinth, Castellón

Inner Labyrinth Castellón, Valencia, Spain – design by Patricia Meneses, España

27 Jun 2010

Inner Labyrinth

Design: Patricia Meneses

Inner Labyrinth, Castellón, Valencia

Thought to frame the intensity of the light of the East Spanish Coast, Inner Labyrinth emerges as a piece that comes off the marble volume of the Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castelló.

The project captures the intense light of spring transforming it into a space that invites to be penetrated and get lost.

The intervention Inner Labyrinth proposes the creation of a linear space, an infinite labyrinth that as a pathway invites us entering, an individual travel across where the spectator penetrates, walks, discovers, sees himself reflected multiple times, infinite, deformed, discovering his angles, the multiplicity of his image, his personality, that along the path is deformed until it defines, in the long course of life, the way of self-knowledge. A journey into the interior of ourselves.

Inner Labyrinth made as an exercise of approach into the interior of persons, the discovery along the vital route of the multiple Thous.

Inner Labyrinth Castellón Castellón Inner Labyrinth Castellón Labyrinth

An analogy of life.

The rediscovery of the individual through reflection, transferring the reflective exercise towards the construction of a space, the creation of an individual tour, space of introspection.

The project Inner Labyrinth is the result of the collaboration between Patricia Meneses as the director of the workshop within the program of the Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castelló and the participants of different disciplinary and territorial origins.

The project was realised in the city of Castellón, Valencia, under the sun of the Spanish East Coast, along three days of spring, 2010.

Inner Labyrinth Inner Labyrinth Castellón Castellón Inner Labyrinth Castellón Labyrinth

A project by: Patricia Meneses©

With the collaboration of: Salomé Ayuso

And the participation of: Damien Remuet, Guadalupe Vilar Usó, Ana D. Prades, Mª Dolores Tajahuerce Angel, Paz Rivas Herveda, Guadalupe Vilar, Rocío Tafolet, Pilar Bonjoch, Paz Ribas, Lola, Quim, Natalia, Nestor Tafolet, Adrian Tafolet

With the support of: Peter Hayes, Isabel Herrero, Transarte

Produced by: Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castelló

Special Thanks to: Juan Francisco Fandos

Castellón Labyrinth

Location: Castellón, Valencia, Spain, western Europe

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Website: Castellón